The first level of definition for a Unit. Hold all informations related to health points and damages.



[HostOnly] The quantity of damage a unit received. 0 means full health. A hitLife of 1 is equivalent to 25 in-game health point.

read onlylife:Float

The remaining life of a unit after applying the damages. A life of 1 is equivalent to 25 in-game health point.

read onlymaxLife:Float

The maximum damage a unit can take before passing away. A maxLife of 1 is equivalent to 25 in-game health point.


Remove a unit from the rendering process. The units is still active and seletable.


die(?immediate:Bool, ?playDeath:Bool):Void

[HostOnly] Kills the unit. Buildings will explode, while standard units can either immediately vanish or die with their animation.



true to remove the unit from the world, false to have it play the death animation.


true to play the death sound of civilian units